Tuesday, March 15, 2022

shamrocks and snakes

My future is in your hands. Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly.

- Psalm 31:15 (NLT)


I am completely and totally terrified of snakes, I have been since I was in grade school when my class took a field trip somewhere that had snakes that they let the students hold.

My classmate held a huge boa constrictor draped across her body and the only thing I could bring myself to hold (we were told we would fail the class if we did not hold one) was the teeniest tiniest garter snake and it gave me nightmares for weeks. 

Continuing on my Saint Patrick’s Day theme for this week, I thought we could look at a couple of the legends around Saint Patrick, specifically the shamrock and snakes.

Saint Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, and using a shamrock, the national flower of Ireland to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to unbelievers by showing them the three leaved plant with one stalk. 
He is also known for having chased the snakes out of Ireland, and folks I may have to move to Ireland because the fact is snakes have never existed on the emerald isle!

Christianity was a new idea in Ireland when Saint Patrick began teaching God’s word to the people, he was never canonized as a saint and in fact was not even Irish!

What he did do though is rescue the people of Ireland by teaching them about Christ.  

Saint Patrick was passionate about sharing Christ with others and while he may not have really done all the things that the legends say, he did convert many people to Christianity and helped build churches all over the country. 

Rescuing people seems to be a theme in the Bible.

I am so glad that God sent Jesus to rescue me.




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