Tuesday, March 22, 2022

don’t be afraid

I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid.

- Leviticus 26:6a (NIV)


Quite often in my “daily bread” I have talked about my struggle with anxiety, it is a very real thing.

When my anxiety gets the best of me I shoot straight into “flight or fight” mode and many times it’s a little of both plus a nice mix of shutting down.

I am learning that I can’t go through life like that – I have already missed out on so much – but it is not an overnight cure, it takes time.

A lot of people do not understand anxiety, they think you don’t care or that you are not prioritizing your time for the things they deem are important which simply is not true.

I am leaning on God a lot as of late (as I should have been all along) to deal with people who say they want no drama yet insist on bullying to get their way.

God will grant us peace.

These are really strong words.

“No one will make you afraid.”

These are words we can take to heart.




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