Tuesday, October 5, 2021

see me

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.

- 1 John 4:12


Little kids and cats.

Both have an innocent belief that if they can’t see you, you can’t see them.

No one that is living on Earth today has seen God. 

So goes the story of the teacher trying to prove that there is no God.

Teacher asked the students if they could see the trees, the grass, the sky, of course the students could see these things.

The teacher asked if they could see God, which the students replied no, the could not. 

The teacher summarized then, that if no one could see God, he simply was not real. 
A student asked the teacher a series of “can you see” type questions, to which the answers were always simply “yes”, until the student asked if she could see her own brain.

The teacher, a bit taken aback, replied with no, I cannot see my brain, to which the student replied that if no one could see her brain, the teacher must not have one.

While this is a cute story, many people truly cannot believe in a God they cannot see. 
All they need to do is open their eyes.   

When we follow God, He can be seen in our homes and in our words, His love is recognizable in our lives.

When we love those around us, when they love us back, when we choose to be loving instead of petty, unforgiving, critical, and harsh, God's presence, power, and perfection are revealed in us!

Be loving so we can all see God.




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