Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

- Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)


We often look at families and wonder why the children are so different.

Sometimes children really do follow how their parents taught them, and other times, well, you look at them and wonder how they all came from the same gene pool when they are so drastically different. 
Once in a while there is the parent that feels like a complete failure because their child (or one of their children) is just making so many mistakes and the parent is watching them go 1000 miles per hour heading straight toward a brick wall.

I saw this the other day on FaceBook and it really resonated with me: 
People can have the same parents, live in the same house and be raises by the same morals . . . but still one can be a crackhead and the other one a preacher, so you can’t say it was how somebody was raised.  It’s the decisions YOU choose to make!


We can train and discipline and raise our children by the Book, but it truly boils down to their own decisions.

Moms & Dads, it is not your fault.




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