Wednesday, July 31, 2024

take it back

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

- John 10:10 (NKJV)

Today’s commentary is long, but bear with me, you won’t be disappointed!!
I get a lot of my ideas for writing when I am listening to Christian radio, and I do try to use my own words in my little “daily bread”.
Sometimes though, when I am researching a specific song or verse, I find something so profound it needs to be shared, as is the case today.
I wanted to talk today about a song that was released in 2022 by Tauren Wells and We The Kingdom called Take It All Back.
I am not sure how I did not hear this song until recently!! 
Please read the lyrics – I know some people skip over this part, I am asking you not to skip it today:
​​Fears got me living with the lights out

Chained down like a prisoner in my own house

Shame cycles like a daily medication

I try but I can't change my situation

'Cause the liar comes to rob my joy

Yeah, I'm bruised but I'm not destroyed

I'm rising like an army

And you're gonna hear the sound


I'm calling the angels down

I'm storming the gates of hell

Tell the devil he don't own my soul

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

I'm raising the battle cry

I'm holding the banner high

With the power of the holy ghost

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

Oh oh oh

You can't speak your lies over my family, no

You can't break the promises that are standing, no

Ain't gotta flex to put you back in your place now

One name is all I gotta say, Jesus


Take it all back

Take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

We're done with all the mind games you try to play

If ain't clear yet I want everything you took from me

In the name of the one who is peace, the one who heals all disease

The only reason that I am free, that name is Jesus

Lord of lords and king of kings


The name that makes the demons flee

I want it all now, I'm taking it back now

Yeah, you know it's going down when you hear the sound


Oh, oh, oh

Take it all back

Take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

Taking my peace back (you can't hold me down)

Taking my joy back

Take it all back, take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

This song sent chills down my spine.
Air1, a local Christian Radio station, has a great website that includes things like worship sessions with different artists.
In the session “Faith Behind The Song” they take a deep dive to talk about Take It All Back.  
Friends, this is amazing, I have removed a bit of the content, but don’t discount it because it is long – seriously read it.
​​In the Garden of Eden, Eve's first temptation was doubting God.

The first temptation Adam faced, however, was passivity. He failed to remind Eve of what God had told him and followed her suggestion to eat the fruit.

Passivity has been a temptation for men and women ever since. It's far easier to be passive than to step up with courage. Starting in childhood, when another kid gets bullied, it takes courage to not passively sit by while another child is hurt. In teenage years, walking in purity and self-control takes courage when your friends and the culture reward the opposite. In adulthood, it takes courage to say something to a friend who is addicted to work, always having the third glass of wine, or constantly checking their phone.

However, the Holy Spirit empowers us to claim our victory because of the cross and the empty tomb.

Wells' song is a bold, faith-filled anthem that inspires the opposite of passivity in listeners. When the song was released, Wells stated, "My hope is to empower you with the faith it takes to go get what God has promised you back! Are you bold enough to believe that God has given you the power to reclaim what the enemy stole from your life?! "

Wells' sentiment echoes Jesus' famous words recorded in John 10:10: "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." Jesus was clear with his disciples that our enemy, Satan, intended to take God's blessings from them.

As a pastor, I often encounter people who feel stuck in life. It's like they're walking in a fog, unable to see clearly the promises of God and unable to feel His presence. It can take the encouragement of a friend or the powerful words of a song like "Take It All Back" to break through the fog.

Later in the song, Wells goes on the offensive. Rejecting passivity, Wells boldly declares his faith and commits to courageous obedience.

If Wells' song has inspired you in your tendency towards passivity, these Scriptures and the song lyrics outline a bold action plan.

First, acknowledge you're in a spiritual battle with an enemy more powerful than you. Remembering this truth is essential because, like any soldier, you lose every battle you don't know you're fighting. 

Second, remember that Satan is not more powerful than Jesus. While Satan is the enemy of God, he is not his equal.

Third, reject passivity and take hold of all God has given you. From the armor of God to the power of the Holy Spirit to the promises God has made to His people, you have far more than you can imagine at your disposal in this battle. You are not a defeated victim. You have the victory by the same power that raised Jesus from the grave. As Romans 8:37 declares, "No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us."

If you're in a foggy season of anxiety, doubt, or pain, then give "Take It All Back" a listen. Remember who God is and stand in the victory He has won today!
That my friends, is how we take back what the enemy stole. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

made for more

Long ago, even before He made the world, God chose us to be His very own through what Christ would do for us; He decided then to make us holy in His eyes, without a single fault—we who stand before Him covered with his love.

- Ephesians 1:4 (TLB)


Deep thoughts, have you ever wondered what your “greater purpose” is on earth?
Were you destined for greatness?
Are you, such as Mordecai suggested to Ruth, made for such a time as this? 
Recently (2024) Josh Baldwin released his single Made For More, I am just going to share a few of those lyrics:
​​I know who I am 'cause I know who You are

The cross of salvation was only the start

Now I am chosen, free and forgiven

I have a future and it's worth the living

'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave

I was called by name

Born and raised back to life again

I was made for more

So why would I make a bed in my shame

When a fountain of grace is running my way

I know I am Yours

And I was made for more

Made for more.
We aren’t here by chance; we really were made for more! 
We are God’s chosen, He set us free by sending His son. 
Standing before Him covered in His love, His request it that we share His love for all of humanity.
Tell someone about the love of our God today, you might change a life.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, July 29, 2024

nothing can keep me away

For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are—high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us.

- Romans 8:38-39 (TLB)


So often we come to a point in our lives where it feels like everything is going wrong.
In the last week, I lost two friends, both too young, both to heart attacks. 
Another friend lost his father after a lengthy illness. 
I just want to hug all three families and tell them that it’s going to be ok. 
Those words won’t come out of my mouth in their presence though. 
When a person is grieving, they don’t want to hear “I know how you feel” or “you’ll get over this”, or even “you’ll be ok”, because at that very moment, it won’t be ok, they aren’t even close to getting over it and I don’t care what you have been through, no one knows how another person feels. Ever. 
In 2022 Tasha Layton released Into the Sea, look at these lyrics: 
​​My heart is breaking

In a way I never thought it could

My mind is racing

With the question, "Are you still good?"

Can you make something

From the wreckage?

Would you take this heart

And make it whole again?

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea

Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way

I can hear my Father singing over me

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"

I've blamed myself

And if I'm honest, maybe I've blamed You too

But You would not forsake me

'Cause only good things come from You

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea

Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way

I can hear my Father singing over me

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"

From beginning to the end

You're so close

You have never let me down

And You won't

In the valleys, in the shadows, I know

You're so close

You're so close

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea

Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way

I can hear my Father singing over me

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"

I'm gonna be okay

I'm gonna be okay

It is hard to remember in the middle of our pain that God is not going to let us down, that it really will be ok. 

This is the same God that can move mountains, but even if He doesn’t move the mountains that you need moved, it will still be ok. 
To the families of my friends who are dealing with loss today, please know that I care, that I am hurting with you right now.
But at the end of today, there will be tomorrow and God is going to be there for you just as much tomorrow as He is today.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, July 26, 2024

receiving grace

God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift.

- Ephesians 2:8 (NIRV)


God’s grace is so beautiful, I truly hope that everyone I know can see it at some point in their lives.
But how many of us are there that haven’t seen it, have never had an experience or circumstance that would cause us to want God’s grace?
So many people know nothing about God’s grace, and they don’t want to know, they want nothing to do with it at all.
They think that they have never seen a miracle, but trust me, everyone has. 
Every baby that is born is a miracle. 
Every illness that is healed is a miracle. 
Every brush with death where someone walked away unscathed, that is a miracle of God’s grace.
It’s a gift that can be given to us, all we need to do is ask for His forgiveness (another gift), repent of our sin and grace comes.
Mercy Me is my favorite contemporary Christian band, and since it’s been a minute since I’ve done a song reference, please enjoy their 2018 hit “Flawless”:
There's got to be more

Than going back and forth

From doing right to doing wrong

Cause we were taught that's who we are

Come on get in line right behind me

You along with everybody

Thinking there's worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when we're

On the edge of our seats saying it's too late

Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps

No matter the bruises

No matter the scars

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless

No matter the hurt

Or how deep the wound is

No matter the pain

Still the truth is

The cross has made

The cross has made you flawless

Now, take a deep breath and a moment and get your heart, mind, and soul in the right place. 

Then pray, have that time with God, let Him fill you with His grace. 

Take another moment look around, see the miracles God’s grace all around you.

Let people see God’s grace in you and look for God’s grace in others.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.

- John 6:47 (NKJV)


Can you imagine sitting in a classroom and having a teacher tell you that he or she guarantees something to be true, if you believe it to be true?
I had a teacher in high school that loved to antagonize students when they got a wrong answer by telling them that if they believed in their answer, it would be right, then he would promptly fail them.

It makes me thankful that all people aren’t like that, heck if we believed everything to be true, we’d have dragons and unicorns walking the earth right now!
It’s good that Jesus was telling the absolute truth, and He won’t fail us. 
If we believe in Jesus, we have real eternal life! 
Deciding to believe is the pivotal moment in our lives, the decision we make definitely affects the outcome.
I’m working on Christmas ornaments right now (I know, it’s July) and one says, “Who needs Santa when we’ve got Jesus?”
Yes, indeed. 
Dragons and unicorns are super cool, but they can’t give us everlasting life. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

sometimes I can’t

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

- Psalm 8:1 (NIV)


Some days I just can’t.

There are days when this whole world just feels like it is coming down around me, that I just can’t take another step.

I have so many resources available to me including pastors, friends, family, people I can turn to when I just can’t pick myself up anymore.

My first go to though, is the Bible because I will always find encouragement there.
The encouragement I find usually leads me to song.
Music just soothes my soul and so much of the contemporary Christian music just speaks to me, and I end up singing out loud.

I may sing with tears streaming down my face, but I am comforted by singing His glory.

Don’t let the world bring you down, reach out to someone, anyone, a friend, or a stranger (there are a lot of hotlines out there to help if you need it).

Never ever give up.

Jesus died for you; do you think for one moment He won’t hold you when you are hurting?



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

not just any hand

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

- Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt something was guiding you to a specific place or conversation or thing?
Or felt a nudge and looked up in time to see something spectacular or in time to avoid a tragedy?
How about that feeling that you get, something just isn’t sitting right with you, so you change plans or direction.
Now I wonder how many times that was the hand of God protecting us, strengthening us, calming our fear.

God is with us, always, and we don’t need to be concerned or worried, He will give us the strength we need, He will help us and hold us when we fall.
It’s not just any hand that is protecting us, it is the hand of God. 
He loves us. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, July 22, 2024

my soul isn’t dead

If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have been among the dead.

- Psalm 94:17 (NLV)


It is weird to think about your soul dying.
But I think that we have all felt it at some point in our lives. 
I know that personally I have struggled and cried out for help many times, not knowing that God was there every time.

But I was so overcome by grief or anger that I could not hear Him.
I feel like my soul has died many times, that I just have nothing left in me to give.
This weekend was a traumatic comedy of errors for my family, I personally spent hours crying over stuff that was completely out of my control.
But God got me through it, some how, just like He does every single time. 
How do I know this? 
Because I am still here, my family is safe. 
I wake up every morning because He gives me another day. 
It is well with my soul. 
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. 
How great Thou art. 
The everlasting God. 
Yeah, those are all songs, and they are all true. 
My soul will not die because I have God on my side. 

And there is nothing I can’t get through because He is there.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, July 19, 2024

all hands man your your battle stations

You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.

- 2 Chronicles 20:17 (NKJV)


“All hands man your battle stations”
On U.S. Navy ships, this announcement made over the public address system right after a klaxon. 
The announcement may include additional instructions or the route of travel and is a signal that everyone on the ship must be in their assigned position as quickly as possible to prepare for combat.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had that sort of warning or announcement when battles come to us?
So many of us are fighting battles with everything we have, and we quickly become exhausted, wishing that we had an army or navy that we could call to arms during these times.
We have an army; we do not have to face our struggles alone. 
Nothing can stand against us when we trust in God. 
There are so many song references that I can make here: 
Phil Wickham – Battle Belongs released in 2021
Lauren Daigle – Rescue released in 2018
Bethel Music – Raise a Hallelujah released in 2019
I could go on for days, but the point is we are not alone. 
He can move mountains if we let Him. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Thursday, July 18, 2024

my plans

The Lord knows all human plans; He knows that they are futile.

- Psalm 94:11 (NIV)


A friend of mine is a photographer, she does mostly wildlife and landscapes, talented enough to have captured some amazing photos.
She has given me permission to share her photos occasionally, so when you see a watermark “Pam Reynolds Photography” on the photos I post on social media, you know that is her work.
The Lord knows our plans, I certainly see this in my everyday life, sometimes I think God says “oh you think so, huh?  Watch this.”

I know he doesn’t really, but it sure seems that way on occasion.
So, my friend Pam, she recently posted that her morning was not planned, but she woke up early for whatever reason, made coffee and hopped in her car to drive to a little valley where she had seen some gorgeous foggy sunrises.
This particular morning there was no fog, so she drove around and hoped God would give her a view somewhere.
Boy did He deliver. 
She said, “This is somewhere. Unplanned. At least by me.” 
She may have planned a foggy sunrise picture, but God wanted her to see things through a different lens.
I think that is a great idea – instead of seeing things as bad when they don’t go according to OUR plans, maybe we should consider that God wants us to view things through a different lens.
Maybe this would make us accept our broken plans a little easier. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Link to the picture I am referencing today:

Link to my friend’s photography page:

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

the fool and the wise

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

- 1 Corinthians 1:27 (NIV)


We don’t have to be brilliant or powerful to be a believer in Christ.
In fact, how often have we heard it said, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called”?
Yet so many people out there continue to rely on their own intellect, wealth, or social standing instead of trusting God.
In Paul’s day many people did not believe that Christ was crucified for us because He was crucified – they thought that any god that would die on a cross to save people would be foolish and weak.
And people who believed this would also be considered foolish and weak. 
Only those who are called by God to believe in the Gospel can see the strength and wisdom in this act of love that Christ went through.
God certainly does choose foolish and weak people to come to Him through Christ, how do you think we got here?
But the shaming part – when a person considers themselves above others, those who think they are too wise or strong to believe the Gospel, God is showing those people how foolish they really are.
Paul himself was chosen, after years of executing believers, to lead others to Christ.
Perhaps the world would view Paul as an idiot because he believed in Jesus. 
Maybe we still see people that occupy service positions, are not well-educated, or do not have money, rank, or social standing as losers.
I’m confident that there are people that still see today’s Christ followers as foolish.
In truth though, by God’s grace, it is those of us who believe that see clearly and we are the wise and strong.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

so greedy

The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper.

- Proverbs 28:25 (NIV)


I have a cat that is very food driven, nearly every time that I walk into the kitchen, he races to his food dish in the laundry room thinking he’s getting fed (he’s not getting fed every time). 
When I do feed him (and the other cats) often he will eat so much, so fast that he ends up getting sick.
No prosperity there, but since he’s a cat, he yaks and then goes about his business.
We have several stray cats in the neighborhood that I feed too, but outside food attracts outside critters like opossums, raccoons, dogs that have escaped the boundaries of their yard,  and the occasional fox, it's fun to watch the “backyardagains” as we call them on the security cameras. 
The raccoons though – those creatures are greedy. 
I have seen them chase away opossums and cats to get the whole dish to themselves.
They clean up the cat food and any other random leftovers I put out there so quickly, then come back multiple times during the night expecting more.

Their greed gets them nowhere though because I only put out food once a day.
I see people that are the same way really, the will push and chase others away and climb over one another to get what they want in life, whether it is a promotion at work, recognition for something that was done, a nice house or car or other luxury items.
It’s really sad to see adults that are supposed to be leaders that are so jealous of someone else’s success that they will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others to get what they want.
We don’t have to be that way. 
God has shown us over and over that He will provide for us.

When we stop being greedy and start being grateful, we begin to see changes in things that come to us.
There is always going to be the “one-uppers” in the world, there is nothing we can do to change that, but we can change how we conduct our own lives.
Instead of being greedy and selfish, we can be generous with our time, our money, our possessions, and trust in God to take care of us.
The ways He will prosper us may really surprise you. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, July 15, 2024

this present

Please accept the present that was brought to you. God has given me so much. I have everything I need.

- Genesis 33:11a (NIRV)


When we celebrate birthdays, weddings, baby or bridal showers, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, and Christmas, sometimes the first thing that we think of is presents. 

Some people are hard to buy for, others are so simple.
There are people that will spend hours at stores or online looking for the perfect gift and then there are those who walk through the mall at 3:30pm on Christmas Eve and have gifts for everyone on their list by 4pm. (I am not that person!)
This past weekend was my birthday and among the great cat themed items people brought me, I received a great present, but this one was not purchased at a store or an online retailer.

In fact, this present was the best gift ever.
Can you guess what it is? 
I received the gift of a promised future. 
The promise that I am forgiven. 
The knowledge that I am loved. 
Jacob, after stealing Esau’s birthright, he became quite wealthy according to the standards of the day. 
He owned flocks and flocks of sheep and goats, had a few wives who had given him many children.
Then came the time that he would meet his brother again. 
Knowing that he had cheated his brother of his birthright, and all his wealth should have been Esau’s wealth, Jacob had a legitimate fear that Esau would kill him.
Jacob sent a gift ahead to Esau that he hoped would appease Esau and encourage him to spare his life.
In verse four of Genesis 33, we read “
Esau ran to meet Jacob. He hugged him and threw his arms around his neck. He kissed him, and they cried for joy.”

Esau asked why Jacob sent the herds and Jacob replied, “I hoped I could do something to please you”.
Esau tried to say no, tried to tell Jacob that he did not need to give him such a lavish gift.  
Jacob received many blessings, even after stealing what should have belonged to his brother.
Fast forward thousands of years, and see that God is still giving us everything that we need, no matter what transgressions we commit.
Our God is an amazing God, a loving, forgiving and generous God. 
I didn’t need material items, because God has blessed me with so much, I have everything I need.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, July 12, 2024

seeking wisdom

But do people know where to find wisdom? Where can they find understanding? No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living.

- Job 28:12-13 (NLT)


There are phrases that can really get under our skin, things that people say that just make us cringe.
For me there is quite a list, and right on top is one someone says, “I know exactly how you feel”.
No, you don’t. 
There is no way that you can know exactly how anyone feels in a given situation, except yourself.
I know several people that have lost a parent, including me, but no one knew exactly how I felt when my mother died.
Even simpler things like a minor surgery or getting a migraine, we were all made unique, which means that we each feel and react differently to stimuli.
Even people in the Bible, there were only a few people in the Bible that suffered as much as Job did.
He literally lost everything except his life, and even though he struggled to understand what was going on, he stood on his faith that God was wise and knew of his trouble.
Job honestly questioned what was happening multiple times, yet he did not let his situation break his belief that God would deliver him from it all.

God does the same for us, He puts out fires we may never see, He stops horrible things from destroying us.
We may struggle and think that no one knows what is going on, but right in the middle of our problems God is holding on to us.

He loves us and is there for us, no matter what obstacles we face.
He is wise, He sees our suffering.
We won’t find that kind of love and understanding in our family and friends, no matter how hard they try, it can only be found in Him.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Thursday, July 11, 2024


What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.

- Genesis 28:15 (NLT)


Recently I met a little girl with as much patience as I have – and if you know me, you know that it’s not a lot.
While in a swimming pool with her family and some friends, the little girl wanted to remove her swim vest so that she could dive under the water.
Her mom explained that she needed the swim vest on because she could not touch the bottom of the pool and was not yet strong enough to swim.
The little girl tried to argue with her mom, utilizing every excuse she could think of, from “yes, I can” when asked if she could touch the bottom to “I know how to swim” when mom told her she needed to swim without struggling.
The little girl cried, pouted, and argued until her mom sat her on the ladder and reminded her about a promise she had made as a mom.
This mom told her daughter that it is a mom’s responsibility to keep their child safe, that letting her go without her swim vest would not be safe, and that would make her a bad mom.
She said that she had always promised to take care of her daughter and letting her do something unsafe would be breaking that promise.
That is one amazing mom, right there! 
The little girl stopped pouting and crying because she knew she was protected. 

It is the same with us and God.
As a child of God, we are reminded quite emphatically that our Father cares for us and watches over us no matter where we go or what we do.
He will be with us always and He will fulfill every promise He made to our ancestors.

Promises of God cannot be broken, the Lord will never leave us, and we will always be protected by Him.

That is a great promise.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

jars of clay

Treasure is kept in clay jars. In the same way, we have the treasure of the good news in these earthly bodies of ours. That shows that the mighty power of the good news comes from God. It doesn’t come from us.

- 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIRV)


Have you ever been on a treasure hunt?
I have not actually done treasure, but I have done scavenger hunts, they are fun.

You get a list of items and you run all over trying to find as many as you can.
Sometimes things are hidden in plain sight, like a sign or a landmark. 
Some treasure is hidden better, like inside another object. 
Geodes are kind of like treasure, on the outside they appear to be a regular boring old rock, but when you crack it open you are rewarded with something beautiful.
We might be similar to a geode, on the outside we look like everyday people. 

But inside is a beauty that God placed there, a vessel filled with His love, grace, and forgiveness.
That is good news! 
We can sparkle like the geode with the mighty power that God gives us. 
Don’t hide inside your clay jar, get out there and sparkle!



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

my friend

Dear friend, I pray that you are doing well in every way. I pray that your body is strong and well even as your soul is.

- 3 John 1:2 (NLV)


I pray for all my friends daily, some by name and specific situations,  others I just ask God to meet their needs what ever they may be.

Like many others in the mid-west (referring to those who live in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas) we had some property damage from the weather over the last few months. 

As a result, we are in the process of having our privacy fence replaced because it was beyond repair.
We did the normal thing, asking around for references, getting quotes, having insurance adjusters check things out, all that stuff.
We decided on a local company and the owner brought over a contract for us. 
When he walked in, he said “my wife knows you guys, she’s Facebook friends with you”.
I am a bit ashamed to admit that I couldn’t place her. 

I have almost 1,500 Facebook friends, from family to classmates, from co-workers to motorcycle buddies, from coconspirators in cat fostering to people we’ve met in travel networks.
I found her in my friend list, and I still couldn’t place her in my life. 
I told him that I probably knew her because of cats or because of God.
Her husband said, “you found her driver’s license once and contacted her”. 
Holy catfish y’all – I immediately remembered her, and the situation. 

That was 2018 folks – my husband found her driver’s license in a parking lot after an event, I found her on Facebook, sent her messages, and called her until she answered. 
We spent at least a half hour talking when we met so she could get her driver’s license.
And she never deleted me from Facebook, she’s been following me this whole time.

Talk about a God thing.
I suspect that we will probably go from Facebook friends to actual friends, since God has had us cross paths twice now.
I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us! 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, July 8, 2024

I don’t know

O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.

- 2 Chronicles 20:12 (NLT)


I don’t know what to do.
There is so much craziness going on in the world, in the country, in my city, in my life, that I just don’t now how to deal anymore.
But it’s ok. 
I ran across this little beauty on social media a few weeks ago: 
“Did you know there’s a prayer called the ‘I don’t know’ prayer?

You just go somewhere quiet, and you sit at the feet of God and you say ‘I don’t know’.

I don’t know where to go from here.

I don’t know what is happening.

I don’t know how to process this.

I don’t know what to do with these emotions.

I don’t know how to handle this situation.

And then, with whatever little grain of faith you have, you say, ‘but You know’.

And you leave it there, God most certainly hears your prayer.”


It’s kind of spooky that something just pops up on social media right when you need it the most.
I hope this is one of those things. 

We all have enemies, unseen demons that we fight every day.

Sometimes we fight so hard and so long that we feel we’ve nothing left to give.

And that’s ok, that’s when we pray this prayer to God.
We don’t know. 

But He does.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

what comes around

In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets. - Matthew 7:12 (NET)      The g...