Monday, July 10, 2023

sheep and goats

All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.

- Matthew 25:32 (NKJV)


I have a bunch of friends that have goats. 
Personally, I feel like they are terrifying creatures. 
I think it is their eyes, but they just freak me out. 
Sheep are cute, but they have a bad reputation for being kind of dumb, when in reality they are very intelligent. 
I have heard that a sheep will do some dumb things, like getting stuck in a fence and they push forward until they kill themselves rather than take a single step backwards and no longer be caught.  
I often wondered then, if sheep are dumb, why are followers of Jesus referred to as sheep? 
Why is the Lord referred to as a Shepherd? 
Sheep are compassionate, they have a strong flocking instinct, so they stick together and protect one another. 
Goats on the other hand are hard-hearted and stubborn, they see something they want and will go after it, no matter the cost. 
This verse tells us that on the day of judgement that we will be separated, the ones who find salvation and the ones that will be sent to damnation. 
I’m reminded of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s painting “The Good Shepherd”,  the imagery of a shepherd that would lay down his life for his sheep. 
Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did? 

Which group will you be in?



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