Thursday, January 20, 2022

follow the leader

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

- Ephesians 5:1-2


In grade school we got to play “follow the leader” and I’m not sure about ya’all, but I really enjoyed being the “leader”! 

I could crawl under a desk, walk around a chair, weave around the room patting my head and the whole class had to do what I was doing!!

If we think about this concept, we still do it today, as adults. 

We see traffic ahead of us slowing down and switching lanes and we follow that action assuming that the person ahead of us knows why they are slowing down and switching lanes to get miles down the road and see absolutely nothing that caused the slow down in the first place. 
We see a line at the local Seven Brew, no matter what time of day or night there is a line at every Seven Brew in the area (it’s a drive through coffee chain for the readers that think I have lost my mind) so we assume that the coffee at Seven Brew is top notch only to find out it’s the same coffee at every chain (I still have not had their coffee!).

What if we stopped assuming and followed God’s example?

What if we walked in the way of love?

I am going to start making it a point to follow Him and not be a lemming following the masses.

I want to be like Him.




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