Monday, January 31, 2022

nothing to see here

Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is one who keeps the Law.

- Proverbs 29:18 (NASB)


“Back in my day…”

“When I was your age…”
“A long time ago…” 

When we hear these words, we know that we are going to be whisked back in time by the speaker to a place where life was different than what we see today.

It will be a story about harder times, or better times or even carefree times but one thing remains the same with all stories, things will never be the way they were.

Today we face difficulties that previous generations would have never dreamed of, we have to walk on eggshells everywhere – in public, on social media, at work and even in our homes so as not to offend some genre of people. 

Yet there are those that still loudly voice their opinions without a thought of the people they are harming with their venomous words.

Thing that were normal even twenty years ago are now considered hateful and can get folks in a lot of trouble.

People have lost their vision of God, they have been unrestrained in their actions to the point of the Law of God being broken in everyway imaginable.

We cannot be a nation of God if we are going to throw away everything that He has taught us.

We have to listen to what He is saying and we have to obey His word, no matter where we are and who we happen to be around.

I don’t want to tell my grandchildren or great grandchildren how much better things were in my youth, I want them to have a life and a world that is better than what I had.




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