Friday, January 7, 2022

let it go

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

- 1 Peter 5:7


How are you?

Sometimes someone asks you how you're doing and at first, they seem interested in your answer, but as you begin to share you realize that they aren't really listening and aren't really interested; they're just being polite.

In reality, most people have so many burdens they simply don't know what to do with more and telling them your own troubles just overwhelms them.

God tells us "Cast all your anxieties on me. You can share all of them with me, because I genuinely care for you"


God wants us to be content with right where we are. 

No matter where we are or what we are facing, we should understand that God is with us right now. 

He wants to take all those worries away from us and give us peace to live a carefree life. 

He wants us to live in contentment, knowing that He is in total control. 

Let it go, give your cares, worries, troubles, anxieties all on Him.

So, how are you?




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