Tuesday, November 17, 2020

look out

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

- 1 Peter 5:8


I saw a meme on Facebook this past week referencing this verse.

We are living in a time where Satan doesn’t even hide anymore, and the world still can’t see him – 1 Peter 5:8

I looked for the Bible translation on this verse and could not find it, so I decided to use the NIV.

But what a profound statement – wow. 

Everywhere we look, the devil is there, he is out in plain sight, pulling God’s children away.

And we are letting it happen, we are doing nothing to stop the evil.

We have got to take a stand, we have to do everything to chase the devil back to the shadows, but how?

We have to let God’s light shine through us for everyone to see.

We have to stop letting our human emotions block us from doing what is good, what is right.

The devil is truly everywhere, he is no longer hiding, and it is up to us to fight h

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