Wednesday, November 4, 2020

don’t be greedy

Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

- Luke 12:15


Have you ever felt like if you could just have a little more of something, you would be happy?

A little nicer house or a little newer car, maybe even being able to buy the latest computer or that cool new TV?

Sometimes it feels that our happiness in linked to our possessions.

We need to get out of that mindset sooner rather than later.

Remember that God will provide you with everything you need right now, what you have is enough right now.

When Israel left Egypt, God provided manna every day, more than enough to feed everyone, and He told the people to gather only what they needed for that day, to trust that He would provide. 

Life doesn’t come down to what you own, but how you use it in glorifying God.

Nice things are nice, but they are just things.

Things go away, God is forever.  

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