Wednesday, May 15, 2019

don't let the bullies win

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
- Genesis 50:20

If anyone in the history of the Bible was bullied, it was Joseph.
His brothers sold him into slavery, he was thrown into prison, he was worked in the house of his master, where he was falsely accused of misconduct and sent to prison.
I am not sure if anyone else could have survived that level of being bullied.
Fast forward many years, Joseph has found favor with Pharaoh and was put in a position of authority, when his brothers came to request food during a famine.
Joseph could have refused, recalling the way they treated him but he did not.
In the end, when the brothers ask why, he told them that God had other plans from theirs.
A lot of terrible things happen in this world.
But we can’t let the bullies win, we have to rally up and let God do what He intends for our lives.
It may be a long tough road filled with terror and evil, but remember that you are not alone – God is with you always.
Have a blessed day.

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