Monday, May 6, 2019

feeling judge-y?

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
- Matthew 7:1

I love spending time with God each morning, I learn so much!
I read two devotionals each morning, then I spend time in prayer.
Some days, those devotionals – well, they just hit pretty hard.
my women's devotional had this to say last week:
How do you feel when someone makes a judgement about you - fairly or unfairly?
Probably not good.  Maybe even angry.  Maybe you're even tempted to judge her right back.  Having an opinion is one thing, judging is another.  Jesus says not to judge.  You probably don’t have all the information.  You don't know the situation, motivation . . . actually, it's just not your place to judge.  It's your place to love.  after all that's what Jesus taught.  it's hard  to judge someone and love them at the same time.  if you do, Jesus says you will be judged yourself. . . by God.
Dear Father I need to confess that judgement bursts out of my heart so quickly. i am critical of others and i am so certain i am right.  forgive me and clean my heart of its critical spirit.  Help me to remember that i don't know what mountains other people are facing and that i need to give them some room.
I am glad someone decided that we needed devotionals.
Have a blessed day.

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