Tuesday, May 14, 2019


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
- Isaiah 26:3

Do you make lists?
I sure do, I have a list for everything, a daily task list, a weekly to-do, a monthly “this has to get done” list.
I make grocery lists and packing lists, lists for parties and events.
One of my daily devotionals talked last week about lists . . . about how we make mental checklists (or physical ones) of the things that we need to do in order to gain control of our lives.
It mentions how if only we could check everything off our lists, we would be able to relax, but then, one more thing gets added.
It seems that the harder we work to get everything off our list, the more things get added and the more frustrated we become.
God tells us not to search for security in the world we live in.
Instead of a checklist, focus on Him, He will help you sort what is important and what is not.
Then, you can have peace.
Have a blessed day.  

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