Monday, May 27, 2019

broken hearted

It was also called Mizpah, because he said, “May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."
- Genesis 31:49

I am completely broken hearted. On Saturday, I watched part of my heart leave.
My very dear friends are returning to India for what we all hope is only a year.
But watching them go just breaks my heart. 
These are good people, Christ followers and strong in their faith. 

I know God is watching over them, and me. 

Jacob and his father in law also had to part ways, but they made a promise, a covenant to each other. 
To ensure that covenant was honored by both, they set up a pile of rocks, shared a meal and offered a sacrifice.
Obviously in this day and age, we will not offer a sacrifice, but we’ve shared several meals and I will say that I have faith that the Lord will watch over both of us, until the day when we can eat a meal together again.
Have a blessed day.   

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