Ask and it will be given
to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
- Matthew 7:7
I know a lot of people
that feel like this verse is a lie.
They tell me that they
have prayed and prayed for something and that God does not give them that thing
for which they are asking, that they are looking for answers but not getting
anywhere. They even say that they have knocked and no one is home.
I challenge anyone that
feels this way.
Ask and it will be given
to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Are you forgetting one
very important thing when you are asking, seeking and knocking?
Are you asking for the
right things, seeking the answer to the correct questions, knocking on the door
God wants to open for you?
I can remember many times
that I have prayed for a specific thing, a job, a car, yes, even a boy (when I
was in high school of course).
I can remember “making
deals” with God, like if You just let me have this job I swear I will give You
10% of every cent I make.
Here is the thing – that
job that I wanted so bad, it was not where God wanted me.
Those answers I was
seeking, they were not the right questions to put me on the path God wanted me
to follow.
And that door I was
pounding on to get inside? Well, that door was probably leading me to a very
bad place, so no, God didn’t open it.
We have to learn to ask,
seek and knock in the right way, we have to know that it is God’s will that is
going to happen.
Personally, when I pray
for something specific I pray that it is God’s will – for example: “I
really want my friend to get this new job and if it is Your will, please put
the pieces in place”.
If you trust in Him, and
you seek His will, you will receive what you ask for, find what you are seeking
and the door will open.
Have a blessed day.