Tuesday, August 21, 2018

can you help?

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
– Isaiah 6:8

Every day we see requests for volunteers, requests for help.

School just started, parents are being recruited for PTA, for classroom helpers, for booster clubs.
Fall activities are being kicked off in churches, congregations are being approached to help lead classes, to be on committees, to be greeters.
There are FaceBook (and other social media) fundraisers going on for non-profits and for individuals, some that really tug at your heart strings.
Even I just created a “go fund me” page for a dear friend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident 10 days ago.
Everywhere you look there are opportunities to step up and help others.
If you listen, God will tell you what He wants you to do to help in your church, in your community, in your state, your country, on earth.
But what if no one listens?
What if no one said “Here I am, send me.”?
What if there were no volunteers?
I am sad to think that there are situations where no one is listening to God when He tells them to go.
Is the Lord calling you to do something?
What is your answer?

Have a blessed day!

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