Monday, January 9, 2017

My Prayer

By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.
– Psalm 42:8

It took me a long time to understand that I am supposed to pray daily, not just Sunday mornings in church.
I admit I still fail in my prayer life.
Do you find prayer boring?
I have learned that prayer is not just for when we want things, but to thank God too.
Even when we are sad and struggling (praise goes up, blessings rain down).
Try this: start off your prayer time thinking of all the ways that God directs His love toward us through friends, family and daily provision.
End your day thinking of His presence as we sleep.
Prayer can remind us of how much the LORD loves us.
We can be renewed in our souls as we take the time to quiet our hearts and focus on God.

Have a blessed day! 

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