Friday, January 6, 2017

Are there dogs in heaven?

No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly
- Psalm 84:11

Remember the movie “All Dogs Go To Heaven”?
That question is heavy on my heart this morning.
See, yesterday afternoon I took our two dogs to the vet for their annual rabies shots, and I came home with only one dog.
It has been scientifically proven that people that have pets are happier than those without.
Pets love us unconditionally (whoa – God loves us unconditionally too!) and fill a void in our lives.
Playing with a pet increases the levels of the feel-good chemicals serotonin and dopamine in your brain.
Yet, pet ownership is not always easy – there is training and expenses and more training.
We expect them to live forever, and that simply doesn’t happen.
When we lose a pet we hear all about the Rainbow Bridge and that we will see them again when we get to heaven.
But in reality, the Bible doesn’t directly address whether our pets will be with us in heaven.
The best advice is for us is to love our pets and enjoy them while they are here with us—and trust God in everything for the future.
He sees and knows all, and nothing is too hard for Him to do.
God knows how much we love our pets and how much they mean to us.
Perhaps God may allow our beloved pets to be with us in heaven.
We must be willing to allow God to order things as He sees best – “no good thing will He withhold”.
We can trust God that heaven will be a place filled with everything necessary for our happiness.
I believe that includes our pets.

Have a blessed day!

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