Monday, February 26, 2024

a robber

Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!”

- John 11:43-44 (NLT)

Jesus was called a lot of things when He was preaching.
Jesus is still called a lot of things. 
Have you heard that Jesus was a grave robber? 
He was indeed! 
You see, Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus arrived at Bethany. 
But Jesus knew that Lazarus would not remain dead, and He knew that God would receive glory for the miracle that was about to take place.
Can you imagine what it would be like to hear the Son of God call your name and bring you back to life?
The band Crowder released a song called Grave Robber in 2023, the lyrics go like this:
I used to live like a rebel, didn't wanna behave

Thought a wretch like me couldn't ever be saved

But everything changed, I remember the day

When I heard Him calling my name

Like a thief in the night

He snuck in, took my life

I was dead, now I'm alive and singing

I got stolen by the grave robber

Picked me up from that rock bottom

Washed my soul in that Holy water

Brought me back to life (brought me back to life)

One more stone rolled away

One more sinner been saved by grace

This dead man, he ain't dead no longer

All because of that grave robber (grave robber, grave robber, yeah)

Maybe you're the one thinking that you'll never be right

Even though your mama praying for you every night

Praying Jesus gonna find you and open your eyes

Well, maybe right now's that time

Like a thief in the night

He'll sneak in, take your life

That resurrection gonna have you singing

I got stolen by the grave robber

Picked me up from that rock bottom

Washed my soul in that Holy water

Brought me back to life (brought me back to life)

One more stone rolled away

One more sinner been saved by grace

This dead man, he ain't dead no longer

All because of that grave robber (yeah)

Taking my sin, taking my shame

Breaking my soul out of these chains

I'm a dead man living and God did it

Taking my sin, taking my shame

Breaking my soul out of these chains

I've been forgiven and God did it

. . .

Jesus is the rock, and he rolls my grave away (all because of that grave robber)

Jesus is the rock and he-

All because of that grave robber
We all think that we have done too much, that we can never be forgiven. 
There is nothing further from the truth. 
If Jesus can raise a man from the dead, He can forgive your ugliest sin. 
He can break the chains, take the shame, bring you back to life too. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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