Thursday, February 15, 2024

come back

Now this is what the Lord says to the family of Israel: "Come back to me and live!"

- Amos 5:4 (NLT)


I have heard that once you leave a place, you can never go back.
There are lots of products that advertise that once you have this (laundry soap, peanut butter, coffee, insert pretty much any product here) you’ll never go back to the old one.

Is that true?


Here is the thing though, you can come back to God.
If you have turned your back on everything He stands for, if you repent and ask forgiveness you can come back.
God is faithful, He is true to His word. 
He can be counted on to do what He says He will do. 
So no matter how terrible you think you are, God knows your heart, and He is waiting for you to say the word so He can welcome you back.


Daily Inspiration from the Bible



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