Tuesday, March 7, 2023

I’m safe

You will feel safe because there is hope; you will look around and rest in safety.

- Job 11:18 (NCV)


I remember when I was a teenager my friends and I would walk everywhere, many times this meant that we were in parks and downtown after dark, curfew for teenagers was midnight. 
Even in a town of 80,000 people with some areas that were considered “bad” we were never afraid about being out late at night; we didn’t have cell phones and I only remember one time when we thought we were being followed. 
There were even times that I would go walking alone to clear my head from whatever teenage drama I was having.

How times have changed, I am not sure that I would allow a teenage girl to be out alone after dark these days.

Still, I feel safe because I have God. 
Different translations of this verse say we will feel secure, confident, or bold and we will explore and be protected, sleep in safety, lie down secure or be emptied of worry.

What an amazing feeling it is to know with confidence that we are protected. 
In this chapter of Job, Zophar is urging Job to repent because he thought that Job had somehow offended God. 
Zophar tells Job that if he admits what he did wrong that God keep him safe no matter what is happening.   
While Zophar and Job’s other two friends were clearly wrong in their assumptions and even their advice, we do know that God sees our pain, our suffering, and our fear and that we can trust Him to protect us always.    




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