Monday, March 13, 2023

I’m not afraid

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

- 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)


Most of us have played games at some point in our lives, board games, video games, card games.

In just about every game, you are given something to begin playing, a set of cards, dice, dominoes, or perhaps a sword, magic, or a map.

In Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda, your character walks into a cave and is given a sword with the direction “Here, take this.  It is dangerous to go alone.”

Now imagine today you are starting a great adventure and you go into a store for supplies and happen across someone that tells you that your journey will be dangerous, but they have something that will help guide you, and hands you a Bible.

In the Bible you will find stories of courage and power, stories of love and sacrifice, all for you.

Your spirit can be calmed just by reading the Word and knowing that God has not left you alone.

God gives you all the power you need to defeat your monsters rescue the princess, prince, or yourself.

Find His Word and let it fill you, then go on your journey.

You are never alone.



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