Tuesday, March 21, 2023

I stand corrected

But consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the discipline of the Almighty when you sin.

- Job 5:17 (NLT)


I was wrong.

Why are those three words so hard to say?

They are just words, but they can help or hurt in any situation. 
I’ve been wrong many times in my life and if my husband or kids are reading this, yes, I have admitted it in a public forum that can be used against me now. 
At some point in our lives, we are all going to need discipline regardless of our age, and how we choose to accept that discipline is up to us as individuals. 
If we get into a situation where we are wrong and someone calls us out, we shouldn’t be angry and we shouldn’t take the correction negatively.

If we are upset about being corrected, we need to ask ourselves if we are angry because we did something wrong or because we got caught.

When someone corrects us, we should be thankful for that person that loves us enough to set us straight. 
On the same note, when we offer advice or correction to another, we need to do it from a place of love, always. 
When we stand corrected it should be taken with an open heart especially when that discipline comes from God. 
After all, He has our best interests at heart. 




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