Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I love you anyway

You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

- Matthew 4:43-44


We all have those people in our lives that drive us crazy.

You know the ones, they are the drama llamas and the ones that can twist a story faster than a tornado and make it all about them and how they are the victim.

The worst ones are the ones that we can’t block or ignore because they are important to us or our family (heck, sometimes they are family!). 

There are people that you just want to give up on and walk away from.

Those are the people that hurt us over and over and eventually we are no longer friends with them because they are just too difficult to love.

But God says we need to love them anyway.

Even when they are so terrible to us, get us in trouble or cause us pain, we are to love them and pray for them.

So here is my prayer:

God, this person has done so many thing to hurt me, to hurt my family. 

It seems this person is not happy unless they are causing drama and making waves, they have said and done terrible things and have made others feel worthless and unloved.

Lord, I ask you to give me a heart of understanding, to change my opinion of them and to create in them a pure heart, that they may find your peace and love so they can be part of our lives without all the hate and anger.  
Father I ask that you give them mercy and that you love them as much as you love me.


If you have someone in your life causing pain, pray for them.

If you are being hurt by someone, know that you are covered in prayer.

If you do not see yourself in either role, I love you anyway.




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