Thursday, July 1, 2021


Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the Lord. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the Lord.

- Jeremiah 23:24


Hide and seek is probably one of the earliest games we learn as infants (think “peek-a-boo”).

As we reach toddler stage, nothing is more fun than finding that perfect hiding place where mom, dad, or siblings can’t find us.

Once when my youngest child was maybe 8 or 9 years old he was mad at us so he wrote a note that he was running away and then climbed onto the top shelf of his closet to hide.

Our middle child found the note, called us immediately and started combing the neighborhood searching for him.

I can’t remember who found him in the closet (I think it was the middle child) but I remember telling him no matter where he hid, someone would always find him.

We cannot hide from God either, and we should not want to hide from Him.

In fact, check out this song reference!

In the secret

In the quiet place

In the stillness

You are there

In the secret

In the quiet hour i wait

Only for you

Cause, i want to know you more

I want to know you

I want to hear your voice

I want to know you more

I want to touch you

I want to see your face

I want to know you more

I am reaching

For the highest goal

That i might receive

The prize

Pressing onward

Pushing every hindrance aside

Out of my way

Cause, i want to know you more.

Secret places can be good, as long as we aren’t trying to hide from God (or our parents!)

Find your place and use it to get to know Him.




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