Wednesday, July 28, 2021

ewwww, children

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

- Matthew 19:14


It is kind of a joke at my church that if they need help in the nursery, with the preschoolers, grade schoolers, middle schoolers, or teen agers, to call me.

And I always give the same answer – nope!

We had Family Sunday last week, were there is one service and all the families worship together – the whole family, toddlers, children, teenagers and adults all in the same room at the same time for church. 


Part of the reason for family Sunday is to appreciate the adults that spend their time serving in the nursery or teaching a class, and part of it is to recruit new volunteers (nope!). 

There was a funny little video shown with all the excuses about why an adult couldn’t or shouldn’t serve in this capacity and I think I have used every last one of those excuses.

Bless you, teachers and care-givers and volunteers, you are doing a job that I never want to!

It’s a good thing that Jesus did not feel that way, in fact, He rebukes the disciples for sending the children away!

See, we were all children once and we are still children of God, and in the same way that Jesus told His disciples to let the children come, God wants His children to come too.

There is also a verse some where – oh yeahIsaiah 11:6 and a little child shall lead them – maybe we all need to stop hindering the children and ourselves and go to God.  




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