Friday, March 12, 2021

gray hair!

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.

-  Proverbs 16:31-32


There is a joke about a little girl who asked her mom why some of her hairs were gray, to which the mom seriously responded  “every time you are naughty, one of my hairs turns gray.”  The little girl pondered this for a moment and replied, “wow mommy, you must have been a really naughty little girl because Grandma’s whole hair Is gray!”

Most women and even some men spend a lot of money covering their gray when it starts to show up, I get it, I used to do it too.

Then Covid hit, and all the hair salons had to close, and even after they re-opened some people were still not comfortable enough to go back.

I noticed the other day just how gray I am getting, and I have no little girls to blame!

I heard this verse, and I decided, I am not going to cover my gray anymore, I earned these gray hairs!

Maybe I’d be a little less gray if I had more patience.

Maybe if I had a little more self-control, my locks would be more sable than silver.

Or maybe, God is telling me that I am perfect just the way He made me, and my gray hair is the crown He has given me.  



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