Wednesday, March 17, 2021

St. Patrick

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

- Mark 16:15


Top O' the mornin' to ya, and happy St. Patrick's Day!

Are you wearing green and did you seen any leprechauns hanging out at the coffee shop this morning?

OK all silliness aside, St. Patrick's day began as a celebration of Saint Patrick bringing the gospel to Ireland.

It is said that he uses a shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the native Irishmen.

I think that is pretty cool, using one of God's creations to teach people about Him.

St Patrick was living out the Great Commission when he returned to Ireland to spread God's word.

Maybe we could use that as a talking point today, among the corned beef and cabbage and rivers tinted green, and use those things to find a way to teach someone about our Amazing Father. 




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