Friday, August 2, 2019

what did you say?

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.
- Matthew 12:36

We’ve covered this before, but it is certainly worth repeating. 
Words can do a lot of things. 
Words can hurt, a sharp knife to your heart.
Words can heal, a soft warm hug for your soul.
Words can mean absolutely nothing, an empty promise or broken vow. 
Words matter. 
Jesus tells us that we are accountable for the things we say.
When we tell jokes our friends might laugh, but if the jokes are at the expense of a particular person or group of people, Jesus isn’t laughing. 
You might be easily angered and words that make others cringe come flying out of your mouth, Jesus isn’t smiling. 
We say all kinds of things every day. 
Make sure you think before you speak. 

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