Wednesday, September 26, 2018

See You at the Pole!

For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.
– Matthew 18:20

We will gather in His name.
We will shout His praises, we will give Him glory.
How lucky are we that we can praise the one who made us, out in the open, where others can see us, hear us, and just maybe, join us.
How blessed are we that we do not walk in this world alone, but He is with us!
Gather with us at the Flag pole today.
Pray for our nation, our leaders.
Pray for those who are oppressed, for the sick, for the weak.
Pray for those who defend our freedom, for those who are far away right now, and for those who did not come home when their tour ended.
Pray without ceasing.
Join us, He will be there.

Have a blessed day.

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Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be a...