Thursday, September 28, 2017

Why is church so important when God doesn’t live in a building?

Again I tell you this: If two of you agree on earth about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.  For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am with them.
- Matthew 18:19-20

Questions and answers:
Why is church so important when God doesn’t live in a building?
This verse is really one of the verses that people take out of context. . .
Yes, God is there, all the time, no matter what.
The church is a building for us.
Realistically, church is everywhere.
Church is our life raft – God knew that we would need other human support as well as His.
Church is an opportunity to come together with other like-minded individuals, to share your joys and concerns, and to pray for and with one another.
Humans need that interaction.
When people come together as one, we are able to confront sin, and God will be there because it is important to Him.
I know, from my own experience, that when I don’t attend church I turn into a person that I don’t like.
Hearing, learning and loving the Gospel changes everything.

Have a blessed day!

*Thank you to the lead pastor of Rogers Christian Church for answering questions in Sunday’s service.  I have paraphrased his answers and (of course) added some thoughts of my own

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