Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Do NOT be a bully

Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, for the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into His confidence.

School has started and I have already seen some of my friends’ sadness that their school age loved one is being bullied.
This breaks my heart and it should break yours too.
God does not like bullies, oppressors, or exploiters.
Even sadder is that it is not limited to school age  - there are bullies everywhere, in the workplace, at events and yes, even in church.
Those who control by intimidation and violence are detestable and an abomination to the LORD.
We are not to idolize, praise, or reward those who have risen to power by exploiting others.
If you are a bully, STOP NOW.
If you are being bullied, please please please, reach out to someone that can help.

Have a blessed day!

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