Tuesday, September 5, 2017

It's not just you

For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.”
– Matthew 18:20

It is September, you know what that means?
See you at the pole is coming! 
This year it is September 27th – more on that later.
Last year we had some folks gather for prayer around the flag pole at our office. 
It was amazing.
It doesn’t take many people, because God is best experienced in community.
This is our community.
There are people who say, “I don’t need anyone – it’s me and Jesus”, but that is not what Jesus taught.
The God who is in all places has promised to let us know His presence when we gather with other followers of Christ.
This doesn’t need to happen on Sunday morning – it can happen during a lunch break, a basketball game, or even shopping or at work.
When given the opportunity, don’t miss time with God’s people.
Community is one of the wonderful gifts that God has given us to know Jesus.

Have a blessed day!

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