Thursday, September 21, 2017

How do I continue to move forward in faith when God continues to be quiet?

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 
- Psalm 46:10

Questions and answers:
How do I continue to move forward in faith when God continues to be quiet?
You have to start with looking at the times that you did hear Him, because sometimes He is speaking and we simply are not listening. (I think I have touched on this point before)
Many people say that when we feel God is silent we should pray about it, but how do you distinguish God’s voice from your own?
The answer is pretty simple, really . . . feed your soul the right things, because the soul wants what you feed it and, if fed correctly, the soul knows God.
God gives us a soul that speaks to us, and our filter is the Word of God.
So maybe He is not being quiet, maybe we just need to listen.

Have a blessed day!

*Thank you to the lead pastor of Rogers Christian Church for answering questions in Sunday’s service.  I have paraphrased his answers and (of course) added some thoughts of my own.

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