Friday, July 14, 2017

Just a word

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
– Matthew 6:8

Do not be like them.
But wait!
If God already knows what we need, why should we pray?
Jesus reminds us that we shouldn’t come before God with a laundry list, and directly after this verse, He teaches us to pray the Lord’s prayer.
The “do not be like them” was referring to the hypocrites, the pagans, those who basically pray just to hear themselves talk, not to talk to the Father.
You see, true prayer cultivates trust in God, it creates a place of fellowship with God, and it makes us available to partner with God to change the world around us.
Come to Him in times of praise and in times of need, He is there for you!
We serve a mighty God; let Him guide you.

Have a blessed day!

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