Thursday, July 27, 2017

admit it

For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all your paths.
– Proverbs 5:21

My kids used to get so mad when they got into trouble for doing something wrong, but sometimes it seemed that they had little or no remorse.
I have been known to ask them if they were upset because they know what they did was wrong, or if they were angry because they got caught.
A dear friend of mine recently shared with me that his son once asked him “How do you know what the right thing is?”
“Simple”, my wise friend answered. “Ask yourself this question: If your father finds out, will I be ok with the consequence?”
Just to clarify – are you willing to take the punishment that equals the sin?
Because there is no such thing as hidden sin.
God not only sees what we do, but He sees why we do it!
When we realize that nothing escapes God’s view and the need to cry out for mercy becomes real, that is when we need a Savior.
Without that realization, we are still held captive to our sin, for we are not aware of our true need.
Jesus Christ came to set captives free, but the chains that come off are the ones that we are willing to admit that we have.

Have a blessed day!

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