Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Can you finish the task?

I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.

I find that the most satisfying thing for me is to finish a task that I have been assigned.
Whether it is a task assigned to my at work, at church, one that my husband says needs done, or just something I know I need to do.
It is like putting that last piece into a jigsaw puzzle – the feeling of accomplishment is so cool.
One of the most amazing things that Jesus ever said, He said to His Father in heaven: "I have completed the work you gave me to do..."
In fact, when He breathed His last, He said; "It is finished."
What if we would live with the glory of God as our highest priority?
After all, this is our purpose as God's children.
The more priority we place on His kingdom, the more we can rest assured that we can finish our lives with a line similar to Jesus!
We may not yet know what He wants us to do, but I sure hope that at the end of my life I can say with my whole heart that I completed His work here on Earth.

Have a blessed day!

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