Monday, January 29, 2024


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

- Matthew 11:28 (NKJV)


Aren’t vacations great?
The rest and relaxation, forgetting about everyday troubles for a while? 
Oh, doesn’t it work that way for you? 

Yeah, me either.
Sometimes I find that I am more stressed after a vacation than I was before I left.
From what I can see in the Bible, rest is super important, not only physical rest but mind and spirit too, our bodies and minds can only take so much..

God rested – not because He was tired, but to set the standard for all of us!  
God rested and has told us to also rest. 

God desires rest for us because it does not come naturally to us. (this should be a direct hint to me, since I am told I don’t know how to stop . . . )

To rest, we must trust that God will take care of things for us, we must trust that if we take a day off, the world will not stop turning and things won’t completely fall apart.. (this would be good for me to acknowledge too)

Through the years humans have become more tense and less able to relax.

Relaxing our grip on our own lives, careers, families, etc., and giving them over to God in faith is the best way to relax. (note to self: hear that? give it all to God!)
Remember that the ultimate rest is found in Christ.

He invites all who are “weary and burdened” to come to Him and cast our cares on Him.

It is only in Him that we find our complete rest—from the cares of the world, from the sadness we face, rest from the stress of our work, because He alone is holy and righteous.

Take a word of advice from the Father, and rest.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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