Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for He chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan.
- Ephesians 1:11 (NLT)
All the gifts have been unwrapped, some trees are put away for the season, and we are off to a great start for 2024 because we have been given an inheritance from God.
What we do with it is up to us.
As crazy as the past few years have been, even I have to admit that there have been amazing things that have happened.
People got married, had babies, bought houses, started new jobs, went on the vacation of a lifetime.
There were 365 days last year, something good had to happen to you on at least one of those days.
I challenge you to find that good thing, no matter how small, and let the joy of it grow within you.
God did choose you, and He does have a plan, and it will work out in His time.
Hang in there and embrace the gifts He has given you.
Daily Inspiration from the Bible
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