Wednesday, April 13, 2022

tell me

Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

- James 5:16 (NIV)


Guilt is a crazy thing.

It can eat you up inside.

The tiniest transgression if left unmentioned can tear a hole in your heart that can take over and make you miserable.

One time I was cleaning house while my husband was off doing something (probably one of his crazy iron-butt rides!).  

In my cleaning frenzy I put things away and moved stuff around to “organize”.

Several days later while I was out my husband was looking for something that he knew he had left in a very specific place so he could find it.

I had completely forgotten moving said item – it did not seem like a big deal to me – but when I realized where it was and that I had moved it my guilt was overwhelming because it had cost him so much time searching. 

I took the item to him, and I could have let him believe that he’d moved it, but I confessed to him that it was me.

This may be an insignificant example, yet it speaks volumes when we sin, no matter how big or small that sin can eat at us opening wounds that should have healed long ago.

But when we confess our sin and ask forgiveness and prayer the relief of unburdening is powerful.

We are freed from that gnawing ache that we’ve done something terrible.

We’ve all done some unspeakable things in our lives before Jesus, sometimes we do unspeakable things even after we’ve come to know Him.

It’s good to know that we have friends that will pray for us and with us when we confess our sins.



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