Friday, April 8, 2022

foolish hearts

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

- Romans 1:21 (ESV)


A couple of years ago, I borrowed the Message translation of Romans 1:18-32 and my pastor’s sermon as one of my “daily bread” blogs.

I borrowed it because well, the truth hurts.

He referenced current culture and social media saying that if you are on social media, what are you reading and more importantly what are you posting?

At the beginning of his sermon on this verse my pastor said, “When you try to counter anger with anger, there is never a time that you look less like Christ.”


I am guilty of arguing with people on Facebook, and I have lost friends over those petty arguments.

People say things on social media that they would never say to someone’s face.

No matter what you say or do, Jesus loves you, but He still hates your sin.

Don’t forget who you are – look in the mirror – you are a child of God.

To quote my pastor once more, Jesus became truth and love by reaching into people’s lives, Jesus continues to be truth and love by sending us into people’s lives.

Will you go where He sends you?

Not everything on social media is bad.

I follow a gentleman on Facebook (I hope to meet him in person some day – he is a pretty cool and knowledgeable dude!) that posts every day a weather report for his area, some humor, some trivia, new vocabulary words, historical things and fun things, he really is a hoot.

Recently he posted this verse along with some wise words: “I am not a preacher and I refuse to tell anyone how to live their life.  I will offer that when I am futile and foolish life is sure tougher. There is a reason for that.  Give it some thought.” 

I sure am lucky to have wise people in my life to remind me of these things.



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