Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

- James 3:16


“But it’s not fair!”

I am fairly certain that every single one of us has heard (or perhaps uttered) those very words at some point in our lives.

We see it in the kid that is upset because he can’t have or do what his friends have or are doing.

We feel it when as adults we are angry or bitter because someone else got a job that we wanted.  

We experience it when we see the successes of others regardless of if it is financial, material or even spiritual.

How often do we practice selfishness and greed instead of being thankful for the things we are given and faithful in trusting that God will provide for our every need?

Just because someone has more than we do, does not mean that we have less.

Try to see past the “stuff” and focus on God instead.



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