Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

- Isaiah 40:1


Social media is overwhelming sometimes.

The news can also be very depressing.

There is so much anxiety and fear in the world right now, and all of the ads on social media and news outlets seem to be geared toward medicating ourselves to oblivion.

Please don’t freak out – I know anxiety and depression are very real and sometimes need medication to be able to function every day.

What I am trying to say here, is that we need each other, too.

Comfort one another.

When you see or hear someone that is struggling, reach out.

Sometimes a 5 minute conversation will change a person’s outlook.

Sometimes a text message saying “I am thinking of you” will pull someone off a ledge.

Be there for each other, that is what God made us to do.



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