Thursday, September 17, 2020

no you’re not


There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.

- Ecclesiastes 7:20


Keeping with my “stop sinning” theme this week, this verse popped out at me.

No, there is not one of us that is perfect.

Everyday we slip. 

Whether we cut someone off in traffic or let someone else’s foul mood and bad actions get us into a bad mood, there is sin everywhere, and we all step in it.

Some of us fall flat on our face in it (looking at myself here).

I would say that my worst sin is when I let other people anger me to the point of saying terrible things.

Each day I tell myself I won’t lose control, and yet almost every day I find myself mutter under my breath (sometimes out loud) and letting my anger take control.

I am not perfect, but I pray that God would take my anger and replace it with tolerance and peace.

I don’t think that I am righteous, I know I am a sinner that needs Jesus!  

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