Tuesday, July 14, 2020


If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
- John 15:6 

Long ago I heard that the word Bible is an acronym for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?  
I mean there are literally instructions for living in nearly every chapter of the Book. 
I’ve shamelessly stolen today’s title from my church’s summer series covering John 15. 
The sermon this week was around this verse, our pastor did a really good job explaining how we have to live IN Jesus, we have to abide in Him.  
We are given a choice in the matter, but are strongly encouraged to follow God. 
Here is the thing, Jesus, Peter and Paul, they all preached about the good things that happen when you choose God, not about the bad.  
If we do not remain in Him, we lose our nutrients, our life force, just like the branches of a vine, if we are cut away from the vine, we will wither and die, and the only purpose for old dried up wood is to throw it in the fire. 
My pastor said “Jesus has never sent anyone to hell, the fact is people choose hell over Jesus.” 
Choose life, so that you may live. 


  1. nyong mandan ora paham nek anu kaya kuwe lah ra papa ya

    1. Translation: I don't really understand if something like that is wrong

      Please, tell me what you don’t understand, I’m happy to help


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