Monday, June 1, 2020


People of Israel, I will build you up again, and you will be rebuilt. You will pick up your tambourines again and dance with those who are joyful.
- Jeremiah 31:4 (NCV)

We are coming up on 3 months of “social distancing” and “safe at home”. 
I know a LOT of people are completely sick of it.
If we are sick of this after just a few months, think about how the people of Israel felt – they spent 40 years in the desert.
And now we have all the riots and unrest.
It is really heartbreaking to watch this country fall apart.
I watched a video of a young man who was supporting a peaceful protest, he is a young black man, and another black man started shouting profanity and angry words at the man that was supporting peace.  The young man walked straight up to the angry man and said “His uniform does not make him a robot, just as your color does not make you a criminal.” 
When are we all going to realize that young man’s words are true?
God love us, He doesn’t care what color our skin happens to be, because He made us perfect in His eyes.
We need to remember that.
God will bring us out of this hatred and anger, this sickness and death if we just turn to Him and ask Him to help us rebuild.
If God promised to rebuild His people then, I have faith that He will rebuild us now.
And we will dance.

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