Thursday, June 18, 2020


“In that day,” declares the Lord, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding in the mountains of Esau? Your warriors, Teman, will be terrified, and everyone in Esau’s mountains will be cut down in the slaughter. Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever."
- Obadiah 1:8-10

A pretty large meaning in a seemingly small word.
I pray that people will quickly open their eyes and see that we are destroying our world.
Violence is not going to resolve anything, only increase the pain that people feel.
I think that it makes God sad to see His children ruining everything He gave them.
Do only what is good and right.
Be peaceful.
Love one another.
Pray like you have never prayed before, forgive yourself, forgive others and lead by example.   
Love always.

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