Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Vulcan mind meld?

Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?”
- Matthew 9:4

I am so very guilty of having bad thoughts.
Sometimes I can run an entire scenario in my mind that is not nice or pretty and not even remotely Christian.
I am ashamed (a lot) of things that I think, and I am glad that there is not really a thing like the Vulcan mind meld (sorry, I am not ashamed that I like Star Trek!)
When we concentrate on things that are not pleasing to God, we are really opening a door for the evil one to fill our hearts with darkness.
The immoral or destructive thoughts, the unkind words, they are not of God.
Be careful what you think, keep your mind and your heart focused on God.
Have a blessed day. 

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