Wednesday, April 10, 2019

all you do is complain

And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel.
- 1 Corinthians 10:10

I get upset with the folks on social media that are constantly negative. 
I actually asked one person if anything makes her happy, because she posts how horrible everything is more often than not.
Negativity can destroy you and your relationships with others.
My daily devotional says to let thankfulness temper all your thoughts, that a thankful mindset keeps you in touch with the Father, and gratitude enables you to see the light of His presence in all circumstances.
I am guilty of negativity on occasion – I know this.
Starting today, I plan to be more thankful and to look for the positive in all things, even when I hurt. 
I challenge you to do the same.
Have a blessed day.

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